Frequently Asked Questions
About Us
Mary Jane grew up in a family of four children and both parents in Bradner, Ohio. After graduating from LPN School (Licensed Practical Nurse), she enlisted and served in the US Army as a medical specialist for four years. She later graduated from Otterbein College and became an RN (Registered Nurse). She went into home health care. Mary Jane had felt called to be a missionary when she was a young child. She was a member of Christ the King Church after coming to Columbus, Ohio. From there, her calling began to become a reality. Mary Jane was later ordained as an Evangelical Church Alliance Pastor.

She went to Haiti in 1986 to serve as a missionary nurse. She began as the director of N.E.W. Mission’s medical clinic. Later, she became the mission’s Deputy Director and the Primary School Director.
After much prayer, Mary Jane left N.E.W. Mission in May 1994 to seek the Lord’s will for her future. She considered other countries, but finally, she was led to start a new ministry in Haiti. She began the founding process by filing the necessary paperwork and appointing a US board of Directors. On September 21, 1994, Living Hope Ministries in Haiti, Inc. was founded as an independent, faith-based evangelical ministry.
With a total of $6,000 in contributions, Mary Jane and Pastor John Taranto flew to Haiti in February 1995 to locate property for the mission. Most of the properties they visited cost between $50,000-$150,000 USD. The Lord, however, led them to a mission called Caribbean Mission for Christ (CMC), located in Mariani, Carrefour, about 15-20 miles outside Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. CMC allowed LHM to use their property for three years. Mary Jane returned to Haiti full-time and inherited eight Haitian staff, a house, and a beat-up truck from CMC.
The original purpose of LHM was to establish a school of ministry to train up young Haitian men and women to change their families, communities, and nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and action. Over the years, the Lord has continued to transform the mission as the needs of the Haitian community have changed: the boy’s home, a church, a primary school, a clinic, a trade school, and other community projects.
Andris Jolibois, an electrical and mechanical engineer born in Haiti, became the temporary mission administrator in November 2002. In April 2004, the US Board of Directors voted to install Andris Jolibois as LHM’s Haitian Director. On July 2, 2005, Mary Jane and Andris were married. Since then, they run the mission together. He was ordained as a minister in 2007 with Commissioned Ministers Network.
Many years later, much has changed, but much has remained the same. The Haitian people need an education, but more importantly, they need Jesus. Many Haitians have been saved and lives are being changed. The mission has a licensed and government-recognized primary school (pre-K to 6th Grade) serving hundreds of students; a trade school (cooking, welding, business, sewing, tailoring, embroidery, arts, and music) serving over 300 students; and a fully constructed and active church.
Today, we remain a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the hope of the Christian gospel to the Haitian people through education, community, and charity.
What is the purpose of Living Hope Ministries in Haiti?
Living Hope Ministries in Haiti, Inc. is organized exclusively for charitable and religious purposes to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the inerrant and infallible word of the Holy Bible.
Living Hope Ministries in Haiti, Inc. will participate in, but is not limited to, evangelistic outreach, corporate worship, pastoral training and care, education, missionary activities, helping the poor and needy, and any other activity as deemed necessary to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Living Hope Ministries in Haiti, Inc. will also participate in, but not be limited to providing religious services for weddings, ordinations, baptisms, dedications, funerals, memorials, and the like.
Is Living Hope Ministries in Haiti a nonprofit organization?
Yes, Living Hope Ministries in Haiti, Inc. is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
How can I contact Living Hope Ministries in Haiti?
Living Hope Ministries In Haiti, Inc.
PO Box 3578
Dublin, OH 43016-0290, USA

When and how was Living Hope Ministries in Haiti created?
This ministry to the Haitian people was founded September 21, 1994, in Columbus, Ohio. It was then moved to Mariani, Haiti, in April 1995.
God gave Mary Jane (Basel) Jolibois a vision to start this ministry after she had already served in the Haitian country as a missionary for 8 years with NEW Missions.
When Living Hope Ministries began in Haiti, it was established on borrowed land. When it came time to return that land, Living Hope Ministries purchased the land at its present location, in Grand Saline, Mariani, in August 1998. The land was desolate, except for scrubs, thorn bushes, cows, and goats. God, and hundreds of volunteers, set out to build the Living Hope Ministries campus, and today, years later, it is still growing.
Is Living Hope Ministries in Haiti affiliated with any other organizations?
Living Hope Ministries in Haiti is a member of the Evangelical Church Alliance (ECA). Information about ECA can be found at www.ecainternational.org.
What is Living Hope Ministries’
Statement of faith?
Living Hope Ministries in Haiti believes in the entire inspired Word of God, the Holy Bible, as the inerrant, revealed, and inspired Word of God that is unchangeable and is the infallible authority in all areas of life, faith, and good will. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
We believe in the gifts of the Spirit, as written in 1 Corinthians, chapters 12 and 14, and the operation of these gifts according to the entire scriptures.
We believe in the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in a Christian’s life according to Galatians 5:22-23.
We believe in salvation through faith evidenced by works and the confessions of faith according to Romans 10:9-10 and James 2:17.
We believe in the great commission and carrying the Gospel to all mankind (Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-18).
We believe in the sinfulness of all mankind (Romans 3:23).
We believe in the second birth (John 3:3).
We believe in water Baptism according to John 3:5 and Matthew 28:19, and holy Communion according to 1 Corinthians 11:23-24 and Acts 2:42-46.
Who is the leadership team at Living Hope Ministries in Haiti?
LHM Board of Directors
President & International Director:
Rev. Mary Jane Jolibois
Haitian Director:
Rev. Jean Andris Jolibois
Vice President:
Rev. Hope Boring
Nancy Thorbahn
Karen Negley
Executive Committee Member:
Tom Single
Newsletter Editor:
Deanna Breading
Student Sponsorship:
Mark Gunderson
Trade School & Preschool Partnerships:
Tamara Howes
Webmaster and Multimedia:
Doug Jones / Stretch Multimedia
Public Relations:
Kelly Arehart
Other Board Members:
Craig Boggs
Ministry Partners:
Penny Boggs – Administration Bookkeeper